I got the bar and it felt heavy! I had to go down to the 30 lb. easy bar to do thrusters. I used the barbell to do front squats. It turns out that all of their barbells are 45 lbs. No wonder I couldn't push it over head!
After squats and lunges, my legs were shot. I walked on the treadmill for 5 minutes and then started my 400s. I walked about 1:30 after each sprint. Total Time approx. 45 minutes.
- 2:16
- 2:10
- 2:03
- 2:00
- 2:00
- 1:54
- 1:54
- 1:49
- 1:42
- 1:42
- 1:40
- 1:35
I went and got a haircut. When he was telling where my length would be I thought. Tell him to add an inch. But I didn't. I never do. Now my long hair is short to me. I wanted it to still feel long. It will take 6 wks to grow back to longish. Now I have a cute cut. I hate CUTE cuts. Ponytail it is!
You kill me. You look gorgeous. Have I told you how much I've always thought you look like Sandra bullock?