
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Too Cold

It was 12 degrees at 8 am.  I checked the weather again and the high at 10 am was supposed tbe be 24 degrees. So I skipped the race.  Not sad about it at all.  But I do want to do a race.  I think 32 degrees is the threshold for coldness.

My husband and I went to the gym instead.  It was pretty empty which is nice when you want to lift weights.  I did a short ARMS workout and then ran a 5K.

The goal was sub 24. I ran 23:40.  Not bad.

I started my Christmas shopping online last night.  I am not sure if I want to go out on Black Friday.  I do want to get the $500 gift card from Sports Authority. I probably have to get up a 3 am to have a chance at any gift card.  I have been waking up at that time anyway.  I haven't looked for any deals yet.
What deals are you looking for on Black Friday?


  1. Your legs are smokin! I think when your kids are in school you should become a personal trainer, seriously I think you would be good at it!

    1. Thanks! I asked Heath if my legs really look like that. I think the angle makes them look bigger than they are. Not sure if I would be a good trainer, maybe just a workout buddy.
