
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Booty Barre

I made it to class on time yesterday.  The Booty Barre class was a lot of fun and hard.  Mainly it was hard because I had tried to squat extra the day before. My legs were shaking during the warm-up.  Shaking so much that I thought I was going to fall over.

The warm-up was just on the floor with some quick squats and stretching.  Then we all grabbed small dumbbells and did some arm and back lifts while squatting.  I think the instructor was trying to get us to talk, but we were all 1st timers and had to concentrate.

Next, we went to the barre.  I was not in a good spot to see the demonstrations for the first 3 minutes, so I tried to copy the lady in front of me.  We started in 1st position, heels together, toes making a V.  Down, up on toes, standup, heels down, repeat. Then faster.  It all felt foreign to me, I never took any dance classes.

Then we started Sweeping the leg.  Not like karate kid. It was sweeping the leg in front of you to waist height and down.  You are supposed to turn your toes out when you sweep and "SHINE A LIGHT ON YOUR INNER THIGH."

We turned and faced the barre, leaning on it with arms and head. Abs in, tuck knee to chest and press back.  Toes pointed the whole time.  We did squats holding onto the barre, pushing ours glutes back as far as we could. We did it squeezing a ball between out knees too.

The cool down was several different yoga/pilates moves.  I should probably try one of those classes too.

I don't know the names for all of the moves, but you can check out their website: Booty Barre

Booty Barre was a good workout for me.  I get enough forward motion and tightening with lifting and running.  This class helped me work my muscles at different angles and lengthen them.  This will be a class I will try to hit weekly. It was fun to have friends in class too and to meet some new people.

That was my workout for the day.  It felt weird to leave after class, like I needed to jump on a treadmill or something.  But I went Christmas shopping and got a lot done.  Hit Costco, got a gingerbread house and some meat.  Cinnamon rolls for a birthday cake on Sunday.  Now I feel like I'm ready for my family Christmas.

Have you tried Booty Barre?

Ready for Christmas yet?  37% of people haven't even started shopping!

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