
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Philosophy Purity and Microdelivery Exfoliating Wash

This is what I got myself for my birthday. Philosophy face washes. I have a bad habit of not washing my face before bed, I sometimes use a baby wipe on my face, but usually just go to bed without doing anything.  The Purity face wash is a before bed wash.  It is a face wash, toner, and make-up remover in one.  I have used it a few times and I think my skin is actually getting brighter. it is supposed to be good for all skin types, men and women.
The Microdelivery Exfoliating Wash is my in the shower, morning face wash. I have used weekly microderm washes, but I really like this daily version.  Maybe this is why that guy this is why that guy thought I was younger.
I got a killer Cyber Monday deal on them.  They are 32 oz. each and I paid $68.  It will probably last me most of next year. The cheapest I have seen this stuff is $50 per bottle. I need to get a good moisturizer too.  I have tried some Mary Kay eye cream that I like and I do like some of the Olay Regenerist moisturizers.  Still searching for the perfect one.

1 comment:

  1. I love their body wash, let me know how you like the face wash/ scrub a few months from now. I need something good.
