
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow and 10,000 m Row

We had a snowstorm on Thursday night and ended up with almost three inches on the ground.  We got another 2 inches last night.  On Friday there was a 2 hour school delay.  That means no kindergarten for Haylee.

The kids played outside, following the "race tracks" on the road while I shoveled the driveway.

It must have looked really fun, because all of them wanted a turn with the shovel.
 What good helpers! (It lasted like 5 minutes, because it was so cold.)

My toes were sore yesterday and this morning, so I decided to row instead of run.

I had to stop to adjust my foot straps and get a drink (3x), the clock keeps going when you stop, the distance does not.

My 500m avg. time was 2:32, it was closer to 2:20 if you take out the break times. 29 strokes/per minute.

52 minutes--10,000 meters


  1. Wow what a day. I am tired of this snow myself. I recently moved from Upstate NY and now live in NJ...I thought I would escape this snow this year but clearly not.

    1. Our snow is nothing compared to what you have been dealing with. It is pretty, but I will be happy when it melts.
